Yule, Midwinter, the Winter Solstice
The wheel continues to turn, and we move into Winter, the great pause. A time to reset, to continue the journey within.....
Yule, Midwinter, the Winter Solstice
Samhain - Life, Death, Harvest and Rebirth
Autumn - The Equinox, Mabon, Fall and the Season of the Witch!
Living Life as a Witch - How I Live My Magical Life.
Lughnasadh / Lammas – The First Harvest
Summer Solstice - the Longest Day - Litha
Qi-gong & Sound Healing: Everything You Need to Know
Dandelion and Daisy Medicine
Exploring the Traditions and Celebrations of Beltane: The Start of Summer
Magic and Medicine from the Hedgerow - Nettles & Blackthorn
Embracing the Energy of the Spring Equinox - a Guide to Celebrating Ostara
Exploring Shadow Work: Why it's a vital part of your self-care.
Herbal Healer: What's the Wise Woman Tradition?