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Autumn - The Equinox, Mabon, Fall and the Season of the Witch!

Welcome to the second harvest, the harvest of fruits and vegetables.

The Autumn Equinox, Mabon, the season of Fall, the second of the three harvest festivals, and known by some as 'Harvest Home Festival', which can also be celebrated around the end of September.

Ahh, September, season of mists and mellow fruitfulness, and the season of the witch! We love it…Autumn colours, pumpkin spice everything! It’s the 3rd of September as I sit to write this, and I, as always, am welcoming these cooler Autumn days. Already we can see the mornings and evenings getting darker. For many this is a melancholy time, people don’t like the nights drawing in, but if we develop a strong personal spiritual practice, we can fully step into this time with a feeling of excitement. This new season gives us the opportunity for fresh starts, a blank page, the ability to go within and create new practices, and definitely to count our blessings and gratitudes, which always makes us feel better.

In the UK the Autumn Equinox  Falls (see what I did there?) on the 21st/22nd September. Mabon refers to the period around this time, although for me and my witchy friends, as soon as we get to September 1st, we are in The Season! (and sometimes even before!!)

So, what is in a name?

Mabon, Fall, the Autumn Equinox…are they the same? It can get confusing when and what to celebrate. Lets delve into a little bit of info about the differences.

Mabon and the autumn equinox are sort of related but not the same. They both mark important moments in the changing of seasons, particularly in the context of pagan and Wiccan traditions.

However, in the farming calendar, that our ancestors would have tracked, this is the second of the three harvest festivals, known as the fruit and vegetable harvest. If you remember, last month was the first harvest, Lammas, or Lughnasadh (Loo-nas-ah) on the 1st of August, the grain harvest, and we have Samhain (Sow-een) to look forward to on 31st October, the harvest of nuts, berries, and meat! So more realistically the festival was called Harvest, or Ingathering, and you can read more about that here in this Britannica article.

Did you know that actually the word Fall originated in England, and not America? Recorded use of the word fall in England as the name of the third season of the year comes from as early as the 1500s. The name is thought to originate in the phrase the fall of the leaf, in reference to the time of year when deciduous trees shed their leaves. The name of its counterpart season, Spring, is thought to come from the phrase spring of the leaf—the time when everything is blossoming.

The name fall was commonly used in England until about the end of the 1600s, when it was ousted by autumn. The word Autumn comes from the French autompne, from the Latin autumnus, whose deeper roots are obscure. It’s first recorded in English as early as the late 1300s—notably, both Chaucer and Shakespeare used it in their works. There is a belief that the word fall was continued as the colonists moved across the Americas, whereas here in Britain it was dropped in favour of the word Autumn as the aristocracy associated it with the common people!

Personally I love the word fall and have decided that I am going to try and drop the word Mabon and adopt Fall from now on, but old habits die hard!

Art by Janie Olsen

Autumn Equinox:

The autumn equinox, also known as the September equinox or fall equinox, is a natural event that occurs when the sun crosses the celestial equator from north to south. It usually happens around September 21st or 22nd in the Northern Hemisphere.

It marks the point at which day and night are roughly equal in length, signifying the transition from summer to autumn in the Northern Hemisphere and from winter to spring in the Southern Hemisphere.

The equinox is not a religious or spiritual holiday in itself; it’s an astronomical event observed by various cultures around the world.


Mabon is a modern pagan, witchy and Wiccan holiday that is celebrated around the time of the autumn equinox. It is one of the eight Sabbats, or seasonal festivals, observed by many neopagan and witchcraft traditions. (I have written about these sabbats and the wheel of the year in previous blogs) – The word Mabon comes from the God of Welsh mythology, Mabon. He is the Child of Light and the son of the Earth Mother Goddess, Modron.

However, there is little evidence that Mabon was celebrated in Celtic countries and the term Mabon was given to the festival as recently as the 1970’s. All part of our reconstructed Paganism. This does not make it wrong, as all things evolve, and as we know, where we place our intention and energy we create new ways of being – but it is important to understand and acknowledge the root of things.

The Goddess Harvest Mother has gifted us with her bounty, and The God has sacrificed himself to the Earth with the cutting of the last of the grain, but we can rejoice, as we know he will return! For now, it is time to enjoy the fruits of our labour! … to rest, to come together in community and share the gifts of the earth, our harvests, with our friends and families, to show gratitude and appreciation for all we have in our lives, all we have achieved.

At this time we give thanks for the harvest and the abundance of the Earth. It is often seen as a time of balance, similar to the equinox, but it has specific rituals and symbolism associated with it. Celebrations of Mabon can include feasting, making offerings to deities or spirits, creating altars, and activities that focus on gratitude and reflection for the bounties of the season.

The equinox is an astronomical event that marks the changing of seasons, while Mabon is a recently added neopagan and Wiccan celebration that takes place around the time of the equinox and is focused on giving thanks for the harvest and embracing the themes of balance and abundance. The equinox is a natural occurrence, while Mabon is a cultural and spiritual observance, and seems to be getting quite contentious amongst modern witches, as there is some controversy surrounding the name and origins. Here is what info I have on that;

Historians argue that the name "Mabon" was adopted by pagans in the 1970s, and that the holiday was not originally a Celtic celebration. Calling it Mabon denotes cultural appropriation and a lack of knowledge. Some pagans, Druids, and witches who venerate Welsh gods are uncomfortable with the association of the equinox with Mabon. They say that most people who celebrate the holiday don't know who Mabon is, even in Wales. 

Alban Elfed is the Druid name for the Autumn Equinox festival, which means "The Light of the Water". This festival marks the balance of day and night before the darkness takes over, and is a time to thank the Earth for the harvest. 

Haustblót is the Norse fall equinox feast. Also referred to as Winter Finding, this feast celebrates the beginning of autumn.

It is typically held mid - September corresponding with Mabon on the Neo Wiccan calendar. However, the holiday is fluid based on the location and harvesting calendar.

I believe it is important to research the origins of all that we do - it's fine to continue to call it what you wish to, some of these things run deep in our veins, but doing so with respect and honouring the stories and practices of the cultures that they came from is fundamental to me to be authentic and honour all the Ancestors and Cultures that make up our melting pot of diverse practices.

What I have noticed is that pretty much all cultures across history have celebrated the harvest and the Autumn Equinox in some way. It's one of those seasonal shifts that we feel in our blood and bones, whatever you choose to call yourself or it. And there are many similar themes - letting go, renewal, fresh starts, water, balance.

Art by Wendy Andrew

The Autumn Equinox is a time when the earth pauses, as if at the top of an inhale, where we can pause and look back on how far we have come, what we have achieved on this turn of the wheel so far, before the sun's power begins to wane, the nights draw in, the days get colder and we start to focus our attention inwards once more.

The darker days of Autumn signal a time to start on our inner work, the shadow work (see my blog on that here), to weigh up the things we need to let go of and start the process of re-evaluating ourselves, our lives, our needs.

This is the gift of the Wheel of the Year, made up modern construct or not, it gives us a structure, a form of understanding that time is not linear, that we are continuing on our spiral of growth, of knowing that nothing stays the same, that we continually have new opportunities to start plans, sow seeds, grow, reap and harvest and then release the things we no longer need - the organic repeated softening of self-awareness and spiritual growth.

We can become comfortable with the cycle of Life, Death (Harvest) and Rebirth.

As a practicing shamanic green witch, elemental celebrant and qigong practitioner, the seasonal shifts and how they relate to the elements play an important part in my life – the element of water associated with the Autumn connects us to our emotions. When in balance and allowed to flow we allow the qi, the energy, to move around our bodies freely. When we hold water it stagnates and this is what happens in our bodies, to our qi. By applying the action of the seasonal shift of Autumn, letting go, to our emotions, our relationships, our physical and energetic clutter, we can look at the things that cause us pain, that hold us back, and really begin to let it go – and do it with gratitude! Yes it feels uncomfortable at first – and you may need support from friends, family or a therapist as you bring awareness to the action, but it is a really healthy thing to be able to do for yourself. As we move into the more reflective energies of Autumn, we can begin to bring attention to our own healings, how we can be grateful for the teachings and let things flow freely.

This dark half of the year is associated with the Crone, the Wise Woman. She, like the darkness is feared and shunned. I welcome this time to embrace that aspect of myself. it is time to reclaim our connection with that wild untamed element of darkness that is within us. There can be no light without darkness, and that is the message of the autumn Equinox, all things must be in balance.

Art by Wendy Andrew

Ways to celebrate the Autumn Equinox or Mabon

Because we live in our fast paced world, dedicating a specific day when we have to celebrate is just not practical and adds pressure to our already pressured lives. Our practice should be fun, and fit in with our lifestyles. So, unless you specifically must celebrate exactly on the equinox, then just use any point between the 1st of September and Samhain on 31st October to feel grateful for all of your abundance…this is the second harvest after all! And just do what feels right, honouring the season can just be as simple as enjoying a quiet pumpkin spiced latte while you read your book!

If you fancy doing something a bit more (or as well as) that, here are some things you can do to celebrate the season;

Create an Altar (or two!): Set up an altar with symbols of the season, such as colourful leaves, acorns, pinecones, and apples. You can also include candles in autumnal colours – red, orange, and brown. You can also create an outside altar, by way of honouring the spirits and elementals that live on your land and have helped in bringing the harvest and bounty to fruition. A small area where you can place a small candle lantern, a crystal maybe, a stone where you can lay an offering, a token of your appreciation, as that is the focus of this time, gratitude and appreciation.

Have a Feast: Prepare a special meal using the fruits and vegetables of the season. Apples, squash, pumpkins, and root vegetables are all excellent choices. Consider making dishes like apple pie, roasted root vegetables, or a hearty soup.

Go Apple Picking: Visit a local orchard or park and pick your own apples. It’s a fun way to connect with nature and gather fresh produce for your equinox feast. Apples have long been associated with witches and magic, and are one of the many fruits that are coming into abundance this time of year. If you cut an apple around the middle you will see the 5 pointed star that we pagans and witches honour as the pentagram, or pentacle if within a circle, (the circle of the apple!) that represent the Elements of Nature that make up the world around us, Air, Fire, Water, Earth and Spirit.

Take a Walk in Nature: Take a leisurely walk in the woods or a nearby park to appreciate the changing colours of the leaves and the fresher autumn air. Collect fallen leaves or pinecones to use in your altar.

Make Mulled Apple Cider: Using cider and or apple juice, add spices like cinnamon and cloves and gently warm.

Bake Bread and cake: Baking bread is a great way to connect with the harvest season and honouring the grain that has been gathered in, even though we may not do these things ourselves anymore, it is still done by someone! One of my favourite things to see at this time are the tractors and combines gathering in the harvest. Try making a loaf of hearty, whole-grain bread to enjoy with your meal, or a delicious apple cake!

Crafts and DIY: Get creative with autumn-themed crafts. You can make wreaths, decorate pumpkins, or create your own autumn-inspired artwork.

Give Thanks: Take a moment to express gratitude for the harvest and the abundance in your life. Reflect on the things you’re thankful for and consider ways to give back to your community or nature (I pick litter whenever I go out for a walk)

Share with Others: Share your harvest with friends, family, or neighbours. You can give away some of the apples you picked or share a portion of your feast with loved ones.

Light a Bonfire or Candles: Fire is a traditional element of many equinox celebrations. Light a bonfire in a safe location or simply light some candles on your altar to symbolise the warmth and light of the season.

Meditation and Reflection: Spend some quiet time in meditation or reflection. Consider your goals for the upcoming season and how you can align yourself with the changing energies of autumn. Ask where you can bring more balance into your life.

Rituals and Ceremonies: Connect with like minded friends and meet in nature to honour the elements and seasons – share food, drum, sing, do card readings.

Attend a Festival: Check if there are any local autumn festivals or events happening in your area. These can be a fun way to celebrate with the community.

Make Medicine for Winter: The hedgerows are bursting with berries, blackberries, sloes, rowan, hawthorn berries, and rose hips, all of which are filled with immune boosting vitamins and antioxidents. It’s easy to make a heart healing tea or tincture with hawthorn berries, or a delicious syrup with elderberries and rose hips, or a healing healthful vinegar with blackberries. If you sign up to my email you will join The Green Witchery community, where I share lots of my favourite seasonal recipes and practices, plus you will get special discounts on products in the shop that aren't available to everyone else.

Or you can head over to The Green Witchery shop, where you can buy my new Autumn tea blend, or tincture or elderberry syrup, or the Hawthorn or elderberry e-books and make your own hawthorn heart healing tincture or syrup.

The autumn equinox is a time of balance, reflection and gratitude. It’s an opportunity to connect with the natural world and celebrate the changing of the seasons and the fullness you have in your life in a way that resonates with you.

You can tangibly feel the evenings drawing in, the mornings have the smell of damp autumn leaves, and nature prepares for her greatest show before settling down for winter.

One of my favourite sayings at this time of year is “As the leaves turn from green to red and gold, nature shows us how beautiful it can be to let go”.

However you choose to celebrate, I wish you much abundance, good health, peace and blessings of the season,

Much love and green (and orange) blessings, Sam XXX

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