Often I am asked, "how can I be more connected / live more magically", so I thought I would share a little bit about what a day in the life of a witch is like, how I connect with the world around me and feel a strong connection to the magical.
I often quote the Roald Dahl line "those who don't believe in magic will never find it", and its so true - magic is all around us, we just need to believe and look.
Magic is a part of my life, the Universe, and it is all around us, but to many people it is unreachable, they can't see it or feel it - but this couldn't be farther from the truth. We are bombarded by unrealistic images from tv and films, social media 'aesthetic witch vibes', which give unrealistic expectations, or make it too difficult to even try to attain. When you live every day as magical, some even begin to see the magic as mundane, looking for greater signs, 'proof', and becoming disappointed when the Universe / Spirit, whatever you believe in, doesn't provide it!... but when every day is magical, how can it be mundane? The task is to live as magically as possible, and then the mundane will always feel magical...it's how we choose to feel and interpret things, our intention is everything.
I think people feel that they need to be experiencing rapturous moments, seeing sprits, having extreme visions and travelling literally to other realms of existence to live magically - which can all happen, but not every minute of every day - can you imagine living life constantly in those heightened states? how stressful that would be - as well as not being able to be fully present in our physical world.
Walking the path of the witch is as natural as breathing to me, and I have identified as a witch since I was a small child. Nowadays, there are so many different paths, different practices, different schools of thought as to what a witch is, what the path should look like.
Many people who feel the pull to walk this path are not sure which road to take, and I often get asked which books, or courses to recommend....but that is the beauty, and sometimes what is overwhelming to people, it's all about what resonates for you! We do not have a 'leader', there is no doctrine really...depending on what path you choose to take, apart from 'harm none', no one 'right' way.
Which path to take can be viewed as a tree, The World Tree perhaps....with many branches off the one trunk, roots and mycelium below, branches and leaves above - you can take any root or branch, some you follow for a long time, some open you up to new paths, some fall away like the Autumn leaves when they no longer resonate. These days there are so many ways to access information, so much out there. When I was a young teenager, searching for information, we had a small corner of the library marked 'paranormal'...barely 2 shelves, and me and my friend would lurk around there on a Saturday morning, knowing that anyone who made their way over to that corner might also be a fellow kindred soul! But we would be too shy to speak! How times have changed!
Fast forward 42 years, and that shy innocent 14 year old little goth baby witch is now here, sharing my journey, my truth, and my 'wisdom'...with a hefty dose of imposter syndrome thrown in every now and then for good measure, but I always try to speak my authentic truth and share as much of my knowledge as I can, to come from a place of groundedness...woo woo but real!...whether it counts as wisdom, I'm not sure, but I come from a place of love, from my heart, and if anything I say resonates, and helps someone, then that's enough for me.
The path of witchcraft I follow could be called many things. Yes, I do identify as a pagan, but not all pagans identify as witches. I describe myself as a green witch, but another green witch's practice may be very different from mine. Hedge witch, herb witch, kitchen witch - never 'white witch'! - that comes from a place of fear, 'good witch / bad witch' - green and grey may best sum me up.
Over the last few years as I have studied and learned more, I realised I align with the Shamanic path, which is also the path of Animism. Animism (from Latin: anima meaning 'breath, spirit, life') is the belief that objects, places, and creatures all possess a distinct spiritual essence. Animism perceives all things; animals, plants, rocks, rivers, weather systems, human creations and structures, and in some cases words, as being animated, having agency and free will.
Because I believe in connecting with our / your own culture and heritage, I thought I couldn't be called 'shamanic', but I have since learned that all ancient cultures were shamanic peoples, our hunter gatherer Ancestors, and the term is not just for Native American peoples, as is the popular view in the West. But it is important to note that in the West we cannot truly call ourselves a Shaman. I attach this from the Society for Shamanic Practice
"Trained Shamans apprenticed for many years under a master shaman teacher. All members of communities and tribes who follow the shamanic way of life are familiar with the shamanic world-view and practice fundamental aspects of shamanism. They may communicate with nature spirits, pray in the shamanic manner, honor the plants and animal spirits and perhaps do some healing work.
Most shamans live in remote areas of the world and not in urban centers. It is not so easy for most people to apprentice with a traditional master shaman.
Increasingly shamans of different areas of the world are traveling extensively to bring their knowledge to people living in urban areas on different continents. Although they have not necessarily grown up in a tribal community and have not apprenticed for long years with a shaman in the traditional ways, many people with great talent are adopting the shamanic nature based world view and some have learned a vast amount about healing and other aspects of shamanic practice.
These people are called shamanic practitioners. They have not necessarily gone through an old school shamanic apprenticeship but are skilled healers, ceremonialists, and teachers in their own right. Some few actually have apprenticed with master shamans for years but sensitive to appropriation issues they may choose not to call themselves shamans but rather shamanic practitioners."
One of the things I love noticing is the synchronicities, how all things link, are connected, the same themes and threads are woven into stories, myths and practices, throughout different cultures, beliefs, and history. The more I have studied, the more I see the similarities between belief systems, and although I passionately believe in honouring and respecting different cultural beliefs, and that cultural appropriation is never ok, I do believe we all have the same root.
So, to the bones of what I wanted to share - how my day looks, being magical, connecting to the energies, spirits, and Ancestors in my daily life, and maybe this will inspire you to think about how your life is more magical than you thought it was, and how you can bring even more magic into it.
My morning cup of coffee is a special part of my day. I like to get up before everyone else, the early morning is a special time, the quiet and solitude make it feel more liminal, where the veil is a little thinner. I make my coffee using my 'Forest Fusion' blend of healing mushrooms, maca and cacao, and connect with the energy of the plants in my cup - asking for emotional, spiritual and physical support as I begin my day.
I might sit and draw some tarot or oracle cards at this time too - or meditate. All around doing the seemingly mundane tasks of feeding the cats, and cleaning the litter tray - but even here, the magic is there in the appreciation of my cats - who choose to share their space with me.
I will then sit and do some admin - when you're self employed, it never stops, so social media posts and creating canva graphics are done at this time. This is when I can connect with the spirit of my business (yes, even businesses have a 'spirit', energy to them), asking for help and guidance on making the best decisions that I can.
Every time I walk into my cabin I connect with and thank the spirits that dwell there, that help make it a safe and inviting space. The same when I leave my home, I ask the spirits of the house, the guardians, to protect all who are there...when I clean my house, I often give it a good smoke cleanse afterwards...to be fair, this only usually happens when I do a big clean!! But I will often smoke cleanse myself if I feel I have been exposed to some negativity.
At some point in the morning routine I will go into the garden, talking to and acknowledging the plants that I grow and work with for my medicine, and that I craft my teas and tinctures with, or that I grow for food. I leave offerings for the garden spirits, fairies and elementals, which may be as simple as a thankyou or some healing, or a feather or pebble I found, or food I have made. I might also go for a walk, connecting with the spirits and elementals of the land where I live. I sometimes take my flute and play in the woods for them, or meditate by a favourite tree. I may do some foraging, all the time keeping my connection with the land and spirits, sending healing, looking for signs. I found my beautiful owl feather wings that I use in my ceremonies this way.
When I shower I always use it as an opportunity to cleanse my energies, and call in protection from my guides. I will also ask for protection from them throughout the day if I feel I am ever needing an extra boost, facing a challenging situation or place.
Making, crafting, baking, creating, being in my garden, kitchen, in nature, all these things ground me, give me comfort. By stopping what I am doing, and listening...asking for a sign, but them stopping to hear or see it, it creates space to be really present in the world, and I feel the magical connection.... the more I do it, the more I feel it.
Weaving my spirituality into my everyday life in this way is how I feel the magic, and helps me live in a more deeply connected way. It is something that we have to work at, but the more you do it, the more natural and easier it becomes.
Being a witch is amazing, but also normal, for me...the magic is truly all around always, we just have to believe, and have the intention to connect.
I hope this has made you feel that you have more magic in your life than you initially thought - and if I can help in any way, do please reach out and connect with me...the magic is in our connection with other like minded souls too!!
Much love and magical blessings,
Sam AuroraStar Green Witch XXX