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The Green Witchery

Smoke Sticks

Smoke Sticks


Smoke / Smudge sticks, Blessing Wands, known by many names, a classic staple of the Green Witch's energetic cleaning kit. 

These smoke sticks are all made with plants grown in my own magical garden. Crafted with intent under the Summer full or New moons.

Smoke sticks connect us to the element of Air, when we light the bundle we send our magical intention up to the etheric realms in the smoke. 

Seasonal product. Usually in stock from July onwards.
  • how to use

    On a physical level the herbs contain properties that cleanse viruses and bacteria from the air, as well as negative energy from our auras and the envionment. 

    I use my sticks to cleanse the space I am working in, as well as my own aura, setting the intention of clearing all negative vibrations, creating sacred ritual  and ceremonial  space filled with positive vibes.

    Light the stick until it smoulders, allow the smoke to build and move around the space, item you are cleansing. You can use a feather to waft the smoke. Once smoke has built up you can open a window to let the negative energies out. 

    Use a heat resistant dish to put the stick out. 

    (be careful of falling embers)


  • postage

    included in the price

  • Workshops

    I will be running face to face workshops in the summer where you can craft your own smoke stick. See my events page 

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